Paymint Pro was founded for a simple reason, to save businesses money! You may think, why do they feel so strongly about this?
Paymint Pro was founded by Mike Wilbur who worked for his family’s business since he was only 14. Once he graduated college and started working in sales for his family, he realized that they were losing out on potential profit due to CC processing fees. Mike knew how hard his family worked to make those sales, and it felt wrong for the banks to take so much of the sale for a convenience factor. He quickly got to work to find a better processor but came to the realization the industry was a headache to try and navigate. He found they all had one thing in common. They were just fighting to earn the business. They weren’t trying to make sure the business was being taken care of for the long term. This is why the rates are increased without being notified, hidden fees, etc. Many are banking on the fact that the process is too time consuming and confusing for their clients to switch. Paymint Pro was started because if Mike’s family business was going through this issue, others were too.
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