If you own a business and aren’t allowing your customers to pay with a credit card, you are missing out on a ton of sales. Studies show that customers spend up to 18% more money when they are able to pay with a credit card.
There are a number of different ways to process a credit card. Most businesses process them in store with a POS system or a terminal. This is where you can tap, scan, or insert your card to pay for a good or service. Choosing a POS system can impact your business. You may need features that help you organize and run your business. You have also probably paid for something online. Ecommerce comes with their own set of challenges. What website are you using, what payment gateway are you using, who is processing your payments, do they all integrate together. Some businesses do both, and it takes some planning to make sure they all work together and that you aren’t getting over charged in one of those areas. Some businesses are also interested in “Cash Discount” this is where they add a 4% fee to the bill if the customer is going to pay with a card. This eliminates the fees for the business, but adds them to the customer. The reason it is called cash discount is that the customer does not have to pay the 4% fee if they pay with cash. This results in a win win for the business and customer as long as they have the cash. These are some of the ways to process cards, and they all come with their own fees and rates. It is important to choose a company you can trust because it is easy for processors to add in hidden fees. This is why Paymint Pro believes in customer service and honesty. We believe you should get an amazing processing rate along with no hidden fees. We believe in customer service and fighting to help the businesses get the best deal available to them that works for their needs. Paymint Pro will help you navigate this area so you can not only save money, but your business can run smoothly. Whether your business is just starting or processing millions, Paymint Pro would be happy to work with you.
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